Saturday 29 June 2013

People always talk about leaving a better planet for our kids, but what about leaving better kids for our planet?

People always talk about leaving a better planet for our kids, but what about leaving better kids for our planet?

There is absolutely no debate when in comes to what came first, the unhealthy state of the environment or the human race who now live in a lesser quality biosphere.

Our Earth was made perfect. Perfect n all it's glory, strength and mite. Balanced and dynamic in just the right way to survive and nourish the needs of it's occupants. But with over 7 billion inhabitants, many of which often live in delicate situations and give in to push factors like crime and pull factors like city employment and the result is a high volume of people finding themselves living in small areas of economically rich land. The tendency is to then rid these areas of their natural resources and in doing so, strangle the environment. Being a breed of survivors, hunters and gatherers we extend out horizons and continue to use and exploit the next available thing on a continual basis.

Why do we do this? As much as the animal instinct to attain is alive in us, human beings are protectors and nurtures too but it seems that there has been a generational gap where this love has not been awakened in many people.

Hoping for a good, yielding planet for our kids is not enough. We need our kids to want a better world to live in and frankly, our world needs a future generation of better kids living in it if there is hope of returning it to it's glory.

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