Thursday 27 June 2013

Leaf and leave

How not to plant a tree
There is only one right way to plant a tree and yet there is an exponential amount of wrong ways to plant a tree. If you get it into the ground, in one piece, standing upright ie. roots down, leaves above, you know that you have done something right.. right? But how right?

Planting a tree and taking the necessary steps to ensure it's growth and development is in many ways a similar to the incubation of a virtuous breed of people. Growth and new life is an inevitable part of the cycle of life. For both the homo sapien species and our leafy friends, starting from the ground up is a prerequisite. The roots of any great tree to be is the foundation upon which all else relies. Get things wrong at this level and we'll be deep (excuse the pun) in turmoil. Strong roots are developed through correct placement and selective nourishment.

Just as we plant a tree in ground that is solid but forgiving, our lives should be based on ideals that hold true to honour and virtue but allow for forward thinking, unrestricted growth and Independence. Like the synapses in the human brain, each fibrous root ending represents a single link in a chain of functions that extend outward and result in both tangible and intangible changes in our physical world and external environment.

What we feed our human souls moulds and impels the extent of the role which we will play in our immediate and ultimately global community and environment. Violence, spite, jealousy, greed and corruption makes for many rotten trees in our metaphorical yard and rot is often a contagious infliction. Unfortunately in the world of today, these bugs have bitten many a man. Despite this, all hope is not lost. Just as trees are self regulating, cleansing entities, the heart of good men and woman are too. Men and woman who's roots are deeply layed in the rich soils of education, good leadership and philanthropy have the ability to change the dire state of our ailing world. Just as a tree breathes in the bad, makes work of it and exhales life blood: uniquely positioned people of green being have the ability to make a difference and stand tall as ambassadors of growth and goodness. Cultivating a breed of people and collection of communities based on love, respect for our natural world and communality will result in a blossoming of growth and possibility is all branches of life.

The fruits of these labours may be hard earned in times of hardship, drought or flood but with roots dug deep, the trees of change will continue to stand tall, produce change and encourage a world where people and trees are not so different, but rather uniquely the same and equally important. 

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