Saturday 29 June 2013

Barking Mad: How are positive social results are achieved through community buy in.?

This is a question that I have out much thought into over the past few months as I have been challenged through new schools of thought and the debate between personal gain and social responsibility. As is often the case I have found most of my answers to these questions in the most unlikely of places, the Garden Route SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals).

How did I find answers to such weighted questions at a simple animal shelter? By realising and applying a mind set that the workings of any ideal are in fact built upon the same, basic principles. A goal, a vision, a good reason and I emphasise good, and a thorough plan of action that will result in the desired effects thought up in steps one and two, vision and mission. My explanation of good being that of which the results will create a positive social outcome that outways the negatives. Good is not always easy, but good is right.

The Garden Route SPCA is a GOOD place, and for an animal shelter to run as effectively as this one does, there has to be a sustainable level of social buy in. Whether you visit the local mall on a Tuesday or the famous weekend farmers markets on Saturdays, all Georgians are acustomed to see familiar and new faces supporting our fury friends and it works! A visit to the Garden Route SPCA presently surprises you with views of mostly empty cages, trimmed lawns and many a proverbial happy pig in poop, as well as an actual one!

When social buy in occurs on a sustainable level, there are positive, lasting effects.
The patrons and of the Garden Route SPCA believe in and support our SPCA that such a negative thing, the abuse of and homelessness of animals has become a social example to many people of how easily good work is done. As human beings we are a breed inclined to growth, expansion and advancement and if a small, sleepy town can buy into the welfare of it's animals why can we not, as a country unite and buy into the interests of many a cause as one united sustainable engine of change and reform!.

Make an effort to visit your local SPCA, you may just leave feeling a little inspired!

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