Friday 18 October 2013

Pink Trees for Pauline- Breast cancer awareness initiative

With the tag line "Wrapped in colour. United in Hope" towns in the Western Cape have certainly come to the party in showing their support of Breast cancer awareness. Pink Trees for Pauline is a campaign in it's second year after founders Carol-ann van Jaarsveld, together with Adri van Nieuwenhuizen - a breast cancer survivor and Dr Pam Kerr, an Educational Psycologist – thought up the idea early in 2012. 

Towns around SA purchase bright pink material from the organisation at a minimum cost of R20.
Businesses or individuals also have the option of sponsoring material to be used in less privileged areas as well as public spaces in order to make sure that entire communities can be involved – not just those with the means. There’s no limit to the amount of material you can buy or the amount you’d like to sponsor.

"Carol-ann lost both her mother and grandmother to cancer. Not insignificantly, both of these women were named “Pauline”… and that’s the crux. Cancer is so prevalent in our society that it’s not even a stretch of the imagination to say, that each of us knows, or is connected to, our own “Pauline”. For this reason, what Pink Trees for Pauline does is significantly crucial. Not just for those who’s lives are bettered by funds raised, nor those who choose to participate through donation and active involvement – but for every one of us. That is to say, it’s not just a fund raising initiative but a visual statement on a grand scale, a united front against an unseen enemy and a beautiful sight to behold."

For more information about Pink Trees for Pauline you can visit or contact Adri at 

Saturday 5 October 2013

George wins the most Eco-Friendly City in SA

"It is official. George Municipality is the most environmentally friendly local authority in the country after taking the laurels at the Eco-Logic Awards in the division for municipalities." George Herald

One of five finalists, the others being Cape Town, eThekwini, Ekurhuleni and Mossel Bay, the city of George was awarded to top position at the Eco-Logic awards last week in the Cradle of Humankind.

Having lived in 3 of the other finalist cities, it comes at no surprise that the humble town I currently call home is greener than all the rest. There are collaborated efforts from farmers, students and residents of the town to do each ones bit in maintaining an eco-friendly environment as well as spreading awareness of ecological trends and sustainability.
From the unique flora and fauna that is well protected, the efforts to recycle and the leadership efforts in creating a president of conserving our unique natural surrounds, George has really come to the table and held it's own.

These efforts however need to be continued, mantained and improved continuously if we hope to hold onto this title and preserve the green status of our city.

Go George!