Tuesday 2 July 2013

A picture says a thousand words


Who am I, why did I enter Miss Earth South Africa and what do I hope to achieve from the programme?

I've had an interesting life to say the least, i've seen many places and i'd like to think i've learned a great deal along the way. Growing up in Swaziland I was privilledged to have a world of natural experiences on my doorstep. From learning to ride a horse at age three, catching, naming and releasing crabs out of the back yard stream at age four, to climbing the guava trees at age five, I lived in nature and with it. Saving injured birds became a household hobby, running away from Black Mamba snacks, a regular thing. Life on a tropical farm in a wild country was a daily adventure.

At two weeks old I was wrapped in a mosquito net and taken on my first of many to come weekend in the Kruger National Park. Our home away from home. Little did I know at two weeks old that the trips we took in our formative years would affect mine and my siblings adult lives. Many years later, woking as volunteers at the Rhino and Lion reserve rearing orphaned cubs,  my sister going on to complete her University thesis on the Big Cats of the Eastern Cape and me recently taking a trip to Hoedspruit to dart and vet injured Rhino. At the time, rhino poaching had reached the acceleration that it is now in and having the opportunity to learn and have a hands on experience with these incredible creatures was a blessing.

At the age of ten I moved to Johannesburg, South Africa and attended Maragon Private School where I was honoured with being the 2009 Headgirl and recieving many awards for academics, culture and sporting achievements. While in Maragon I was a founding member of a green initiative called the Green Light Project that ecouraged and initiated recycling in school. I went on to study a Bsc Biological Sciences first year at the University of Pretoria, thereafter competing as a finalist in Miss South Africa 2010 and studying a Diploma in Business management while working in marketing at Leaf International Communications. I have currenlty changed to a Bcom degree in Economics at NMMU Saasveld, a foresty campus in George in the Western Cape.

Since 2010 I have travelled internationally on a regular basis, as well as done various modelling jobs in Europe. Travelling, languages and learning about new cultures is a passion of mine and I challenge myself to experience all that I can. On a recent trip to Kentucky I was awarded with an Honorary Colonelship acknowledging partners from all around the world striving for unitedness and conscious living.

My Miss Earth journey thus far has been challenging and eye-opening. Having grown up watching and assisting my sister in her efforts in planting vegetable gardens and collecting non-perishables for an informal settlement in the West of Johannesburg called Video Center, I learned that becoming involved in your community is an essential social responsibility. Having the ability to drive change is a blessing and honour and should not be taken for granted but used to create positive, lasting, sustainable affects.

I encourage brand conciousness and carbon neautrality, active community participation and strive toward sustainable living.

Danicka Riehl

Monday 1 July 2013

Partners of a green journey

A question to a green corporate...

Question everything. A rule that I live by, not out of skeptisism but in a search for deeper answers, new information and further challenges of thought. If you know of  a corporate, company or organisation actively involved in greening our planet, why not challenge them with this question...

>How is you company's environmentally friendly stance accepted by employees and do they all fully understand the benefits and positive impact that working in a conscious company has on the environment? Is this awareness is taken home to their families and communities, how do you encourage this flow of information and if you do not, would this be something that you would be willing to invest in in the future?